2000 Census – 1,444 Township Residents
2010 Census – 1,384 Township Residents
2020 Census – 1,406 Township Residents
Victory Township has a great recreational park right on Hamlin Lake where people can spend time relaxing, fishing, boating, or picnicking at. A pavilion is available for various social gatherings. A boat launch is also available.
Victory Park is located off of Victory Park Road just off of Fountain Rd, take a look at our PLACES TO VISIT for more information.
Park Regulation Ordinance and Amendment
Victory Township is currently enhancing Victory Park on Upper Hamlin Lake.
Upgrades to the park started approximately 2 years ago with a long-range plan developed for the park.
Abandoned structures on park property were demolished. Three benches were installed on the waterfront. Three grills were installed near the pavilion. A new dock was built at the boat launch to better accommodate the launching of boats. A bike rack was installed near the pavilion. An information board was placed near the boat launch.
A non-motorized walking trail system has been constructed in the park by Triston Scribner as an Eagle Scout Project. There is be a sign at the trail head illustrating the trail. There are a series of three trails throughout the park clearly marked with trail markers. There are also benches placed along the trail. Eventually this trail may include interpretive signs pointing out natural features of interest in the park.
If you haven’t visited Victory Park on Upper Hamlin Lake recently you will be pleasantly surprised by the improvements that have been completed and intrigued by the possibility s that exist for Victory Park. Your input and suggestions are welcomed.
Victory Township is part of the Mason County Rural Fire Authority established in 1995 and funded by a 1.4992 mill tax. Fire protection for Victory Township is also covered by the Hamlin Fire Department of the Western Fire Authority. Utilizing both authorities provide efficient coverage for the entire township.
North Victory Cemetery has approximately 3 acres of developed property at the corner of Townline and Dennis Road. South Victory Cemetery, approximately 10 acres in size is located at 2951 W. Fisher Road, Ludington, Michigan 49431, ¼ mile west of Stiles Rd. Contact Clerk at 231-843-3607 for a lot sales. A lot consists of 4 spaces; ½ lots may be purchased. Fees as of April 1, 2004 are: Residents-$300 per lot and Qualified non-resident-$600 per lot.
Our ordinance is undergoing a revision, please contact the Clerk for the most up to date version.
The township is under Mason County Zoning. Contact number and address is 231-757-9345 at 102 E. Fifth Street, Scottville, MI 49454.
From William M. Anderson’s book – Victory Township, Michigan
Founded two years after the end of the Civil War, the township’s name heralded the Union victory. Blanketed with a variety of hardwoods and some white pine stands of timber, Victory Township was an untamed wilderness when the first settlers arrived. The first pioneers homesteaded in the southwest corner of the township near the Lincoln River. Soon the community of Victory Corners began to emerge and with its growth, aspiration to become the seat of government for Mason County. Until the railroad came to Ludington, this settlement was a legitimate contender.
Immigrants, particularly Scandinavians, constituted a larger and next wave of settlers. These new residents tended to cluster, given their common culture and relationships. The Danish settlement became one of the most recognized places in the township.
Farming became a way of life while ethnicity gave way to Americanization and Victory Township developed a strong sense of community. This illustrated history extends through the end of World War II when the boys came home and the forces of industrial growth reshaped the rural landscape. Each community had its unique character, yet this township is reflective of the experiences of many rural people in the Midwest.
More from William M. Anderson’s book can be viewed HERE.
You can also purchase the book locally at Bookmark of Ludington.
Please check out our places to visit!
Our mission is to do what will be beneficial to our township and its residents by dedicated and efficient attention to the responsibilities entrusted to us.
© 2011 Victory Township, Mason County. All rights reserved.
4411 N. Stiles Road, Scottville, Michigan 49454